Infant feeding care.

Meeting you where you’re at. Virtually.


I’m Emma Lore, international board certified lactation consultant IBCLC . As a rural parent I am passionate about providing virtual infant feeding care for families.

  • I’m Emma Lore (she/her). I am a mama of twins plus one, a nurse and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). My interest in supporting families started back in 2008 when my niece was born, I lived in the same city as my sister-in law and supported their new little family every chance I could get. I later entered nursing school and found my love for breastfeeding support during my first clinical rotation on the postpartum unit at a Baby Friendly hospital. I loved it so much I chose to return to the same unit to work as a student nurse in the summers between semesters.

    Fast forward to 2019, and it was my turn in the rocking chair. I had an uncomplicated pregnancy and birth, but breastfeeding was challenging. My (now) husband and I spent that first month doing our absolute best to keep our little guy fed, to get my milk supply up to meeting his needs, and to keep him close to us while we did it all. It was such a huge hurdle for our new little family to overcome, but with support from our local midwife and an IBCLC we eventually got to our feeding goal! Little man was breastfed until I became pregnant again... with twins!

    I went into breastfeeding our twins equipped with lost of lessons learned from feeding my first, but absolutely no idea how I would manage feeding two babies. We faced new challenges with feeding two babies, but eventually got in the swing of things. They continue to be little boob monsters into toddlerhood.

    I have learned so much through my own infant and toddler feeding journeys and find myself drawn to helping others reach their goals too. When my son was one year old I embarked on my breastfeeding supporter journey. I started out as a peer supporter and geeked out on all things lactation, eventually working towards my IBCLC credential. I am so stoked to be able to share what I have learned with you.

  • First and foremost - every nursing pair’s journey is distinct - every baby and parent has their own needs and each pair or group's feeding path is beautifully unique. And second is that our paths can take twists and turns to challenging places, we don't always end up where we intended, but we can almost always find beauty where we do land.

    I bring along this teaching with me in every visit I do and aim to meet you where you’re at today and help you as you grow along your feeding journey.

    I am so glad you found me and can’t wait to support you and your family.

  • I am a settler Canadian living and working on Haida Gwaii, the traditional and unceded territory of the Haida people. I am so grateful to live, learn, and grow with my family in this place.

    I acknowledge that colonialism has impacted, and continues to impact, lives in this nation, and many, many more, across our province, country and globe. As an act of reconciliation, I offer a 15% discount on all services for Indigenous families. Use code: INDIGENOUS15 at checkout.

  • I support all families and bodies. This includes families with solo parents, multiple parents, same sex families, bodies with disabilities (visible and invisible), BIPOC families, families from all religious and spiritual backgrounds, younger parents and older parents, parents in larger and smaller bodies, and bodies in all genders.

    YOU are welcome here, and I look forward to supporting you.

  • Interested in working together but an IBCLC visit is not in your budget? Many families find themselves in your shoes but still need lactation care. To meet this need I’ve started the Pay it Forward program - one visit slot per week is reserved for a Pay it Forward (sliding scale) visit. Need a discounted visit? Contact me :)


  • Whether it’s for some tips on establishing your milk supply, how to get a good latch, or how to express colostrum, call an IBCLC. It’s never too early to talk to a lactation consultant. We can help you prepare for breastfeeding during pregnancy!

  • If you’re having trouble latching, or noticing that baby isn’t having enough wet/dirty diapers or isn’t gaining weight properly - call an IBCLC. We show you the best techniques and positions for you to help improve latching all in the comfort of your own home.

  • If you’re experiencing nipple soreness, mastitis or plugged ducts, engorgement, or any other symptom that’s making it difficult for you to nurse, talk to an IBCLC. In some cases, there can be serious conditions causing pain that require more immediate attention, so it’s best to talk to a professional early on.

  • If you are getting ready to head back to work, wanting to switch to exclusive pumping or wanting a small stash for short separations from your babe, an IBCLC can help you with everything from pump setup and sizing to a pumping schedule that works for you and your baby. It’s best to bring in an IBCLC before you start to pump so we can help familiarize you with the parts of your pump, properly size you for comfortable flanges and teach safe storage methods.

  • Whether you are working through a nursing strike, relactating after some time off, or looking to induce lactation, an IBCLC can help you! We can help you in clarifying your feeding goals and aid you in making a feeding plan to work towards your goal. We provide trauma informed people first care, and as experts in lactation will share with you evidence based information to help you make informed feeding choices for your family.

  • Whether you are feeding through pregnancy, tandem feeding a toddler and newborn, or feeding twins, triplets or more, an IBCLC is here to help! Balancing the needs of more than one baby is an exceptional task and you deserve support while you’re doing it. We can help you to optimize your feeding routines and support you with giving all of your children the nourishment they need.

Are you ready for tailored infant feeding support?

What parents are saying.